
Posts Tagged ‘Raising Kids’

A big thanks to dear friends who made their way to the bookstores to buy many copies of Little Godwit Finds His Wings! And dear friend Hwee who just texted me the news that Little Godwit is on the Straits Times Bestsellers List today. Yay!


ST Besteller graphic


Related link:

Reader’s Favourite! Little Godwit finds his way to 5 shiny stars!

The Story behind hatching Little Godwit – from conception to birth





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Last year: 1st week January 2018

Caleb   : Laoshi speaks to us in English.

Me       : Huh? Your Chinese teacher speaks to you in English during Chinese class?

Caleb   : Only when she scolds us. When she teaches us, she speaks in Chinese.

The next day….

Me       : Did your Laoshi speak English or Chinese today?

Caleb   : English and Chinese.

Me       : So, she scolded you all and also taught you all.

Caleb   : Yah.


This year: mid-January 2019

Me       : Has anyone in your class been scolded since school started?

Caleb   : Of course not.

Me       : Wow, really? You mean the whole class of boys has been behaving?

Caleb   : Of course. School only just started…But I think we will get scolding soon.

Me       : Oh…How do you know?

Caleb   : I can just feel it.


IOK #photo


February 2019

Me       : Did anyone get scolding in class today?

Caleb   : Of course not. It’s only Tuesday.

Me       : Er…so why don’t you get scolding on Tuesday?

Caleb   : Duh…We are good on Mondays & Tuesdays. We only get scolding on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays.

Me       : Oh, how come?

Caleb   : Because it’s just the start of the week!

Me       : Oh…is it because you all had Saturday & Sunday to relax? So you all behave better on Monday & Tuesday?

Caleb : Maybe.

Me       : And by Wednesday, you all cannot take it anymore and have to be naughty.

Caleb  : Yah.



Me         : Is there any boy in your class who has never been scolded?

Caleb     : Matthew.

Me         : Really? Not even once?

Caleb     : Not even once. He was given an award at the end of P1.

Me         : Wow!

Caleb     : He’s very smart. Listens to the teacher. Good at his work. And good at laser tag. And he’s fun outside class.

Me         : Er…Is there anything he isn’t good at?

Caleb thinks for a while.

Caleb     : He’s not as good at football as me.

Me         : Anything else?

Caleb     : No.

Me         : Well, at least he isn’t good at one thing.

Caleb     : Yah.

Me         : I have one more question about Matthew. Are you sure he is a real person and not an imaginary one?

Caleb     : MUM!!!


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The first thing I discovered when I became a first time mum was that my baby did not come with a manual. So I was relieved to come across 14 Secrets to Better Parenting, distilled by author Dave Earley into a small handy book.

Good Parenting Resource on principles for raising children

Good Parenting Resource


#1 Establish the Right Target: Wisdom

As Earley writes, Proverbs uses wisdom in the broader sense to speak of skill in daily living. It recognises that people make decisions, choose friends, determine behaviours, handle their money, raise families, and go about life with varying degrees of proficiency. So wisdom includes common sense. Which I may add, is often not so common to us. Proverbs states that real wisdom comes from God.

#2 Focus on Training Your Child to walk in Wisdom

Training means guiding, teaching, showing, encouraging, coaching, correcting, supporting them as they learn to make their way in the world. And effective training is active, intentional, involved, varied, requires co-operative effort, directed, ongoing, individualised and eventually rewarded.

#3 Lay a Proper Foundation

Proverbs says “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom”. That is, respect, reverence and obedience are the foundations of a successful life i.e. to build the necessary character for children to become wise adults.

#4 Set a Good Example

As parents, our goal is to impart wisdom to our children. But that will be impossible if we do not possess wisdom ourselves. Am I a devoted, determined pursuer of wisdom in God’s Word? Do I work with initiative, foresight and diligence? Am I teachable? Do I flee from bad influence? Do I control my finances? Do I control my temper? It looks like I need some healing balms for my bruises, bumps and blemishes.

And the other 10 secrets? You will have to go to the source of the secrets.

Credit: From 14 Secrets to Better Parenting, published by Barbour Publishing, Inc. Used by permission.

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